Offer camping 7 days = -10% | Winterseason € | Lowseason € | Mittelseason € | Highseason € |
2 Adult | 169 | 195 | 233 | 250 |
Extra day | 24 | 28 | 33 | 36 |
2 Adult + 2 Kids | 228 | 279 | 334 | 368 |
Extra day | 33 | 40 | 48 | 53 |
Electrick per day 1,35 € + per kw | 0,67 per KwH | 0,67 per KwH | 0,67 per KwH | 0,67 per KwH |
Senioroffer 2 pers. 60+ 2024/25 | Winterseason € | Lowseason € | Mittelseason € | Highseason € |
3 days | 79 | 81 | 94 | - |
1 Week | 165 | 161 | 201 | - |
Electric 10 amp per day 1,35 + per KwH | 0,67 pro KwH | 0,67 pro KwH | 0,67 pro KwH | - |
Offer rental cabins and tents
Offer cabins from Sunday - Friday 1€=7,45dkk | Winterseason | Lowseason | Mittelseason | Endcleaning |
5 days = Pay for 4 days | 1.10 - 31.3 | 1 4 - 23.5 1.9 - 19.10 | 24.5 - 19.6 12.8 - 31.8 | or do it yourself |
Familycabin type A - With shower and toilet | - | 403 | 456 | 67 |
Familycabin type B - With shower and toilet | 389 | 403 | 456 | 67 |
Familycabin type C - With shower and toilet | - | 403 | 456 | 67 |
Familycabin type D - With toilet | 376 | 389 | 402 | 54 |
Motelcabin type E - With shower and toilet | 349 | 362 | 204 | 54 |
Campingcabin type F | - | 295 | 336 | 41 |
Extra person 5 days (not possible in type E) | 67 | 67 | 67 | 67 |
WiFi* | Included | Included | Included | Included |
Dog 5 days (Not allowed in all cabins) | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 |
Cabin one week / 7 days 2024/25 1€=7,45dkk | Winterseason | Lowseason | Mittelseason | Week | Week 29+31 | Week 30 | Endcleaning |
up to 4 people (Type E only 2 people) | 1.10 - 31.3 | 1.4 - 24.4 1.9 - 19.10 | 24.5 - 19.6 12.8 - 31.8 | 20.6 - 11.7 2.8 - 11.8 | 12.7- 18.7 26.7 - 1.8 | 19.7 - 25.7 | or do it yourself |
Familycabin type A - With shower and toilet | - | 604 | 685 | 940 | 1010 | 1104 | 67 |
Familycabin type B - With shower and toilet | 584 | 604 | 685 | 940 | 1010 | 1104 | 67 |
Familycabin type C - With shower and toilet | - | 604 | 685 | 940 | 1010 | 1104 | 67 |
Familycabin type D - With toilet | 564 | 584 | 624 | 846 | 916 | 987 | 54 |
Motelcabin type E - With shower and toilet | 524 | 544 | 604 | 799 | 846 | 916 | 54 |
Campingcabin type F | - | 443 | 503 | 657 | 705 | 799 | 34 |
Ekstra person (Not possible in Type E) | 94 | 94 | 94 | 94 | 94 | 94 | |
Dog 1 week (not allowed in all cabins) | 71 | 71 | 71 | 71 | 71 | 71 | |
WiFi | Included | Included | Included | Included | Included | Included | |
Winter only if you booke before arrival |
Conditions camping offers
Offer and price tag are incl. person, pitch, free shower and pool * The offers are for accommodation in own caravan / tent / motorhome and cannot be combined with other offers, gift cards and discounts. Camping prices can be without electricity consumption.
When ordering offers and camping, half is paid on booking – and the balance is due on arrival.
* when the outdoor pool opens it costs indoors 10.- (then of course the outdoor is free)
Conditions rental unit offers
Offer prices incl. electricity and accommodation for max 4 people. The offers cannot be combined with other offers, gift cards and discounts. When ordering cabins, half is paid on booking and the balance is due on arrival. Free pool access * If there is no bath in the cottage this is free in all campsite buildings.
(* when the outdoor pool opens it costs indoors 10.-)